May 30, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

A lot of photos were taken this weekend, what with the parties, the adorable kiddies, the bands and the shoe shopping ...




New wedges


memorialday 015



May 21, 2007

Wine Woman

It's delicious when you can wake up in the morning and have nothing but a full day of wine tasting ahead of you.

Wine racks

On the way home, I picked up a celebratory eclair for Jason, who spent all afternoon taking his teaching certification tests. The eclair looked more like a creamy loaf -- I swear it weighed five pounds.

With fork and knife in hand, Jason whittled away at it throughout the weekend, and he's still only about halfway through it.


Cocktails with friends. A girl's night of giggling and music and gossip. Espresso martinis and Billie Holiday.

The Black

And then there was an afternoon of lazing around with a cat who scratches himself of a bottle of 2003 reserve petite sirah.


Cat scratch

May 14, 2007

Bowling/Pool Party

Saturday night: A going-away party at the bowling alley.

The lady at the shoe rental counter told me that she used to be 5-foot 10-inches with a size 10 shoe. Then, last year, she shrunk two inches in height and her shoe grew a size. Now she's 5-foot 8-inches with size 11 feet.

"I'm growing out!" she said.

I wonder what would happen if everybody grew that way, slowly sliding into the sidewalk, until we're nothing but short, wide puddles.


Sunday afternoon: Pool party at the Viceroy Palm Springs. A DJ played house music, and slick, oiled gay men frolicked in their Speedos. I sucked down one cocktail -- a mango rum, pineapple juice, tonic concoction tagged with a "tini" -- then switched to lemon water. The citrus taste was so sharp and so pointed, it made my throat raw.


A set of tiny twins splashed around in the pool. They left one of their toys behind, and it floated away into the deep end.
